Interlock Basics
Everything you need to know about an ignition interlock device and program. From the interlock experts in North Carolina.
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Monitech NC Interlock Program
Founded in North Carolina on August 14, 1989, Monitech has been proudly serving clients for over 30 years. Based in Morrisville, NC, we’ve assisted, monitored, and serviced more than 100,000 clients living in our state. We co-founded with the NCDMV North Carolina’s Ignition Interlock Program, and remain the local, leading experts in ignition interlock best practices. Our QT-1 device features were developed specifically for the NCDMV. Who better to provide all your ignition interlock needs?
If the DMV determines that you are eligible for an ignition interlock device, a Monitech Customer Support Expert (800-521-4246) can explain your options and schedule your installation appointment so that you can get back on the road. With conveniently located, company-owned shops all across the state, we view our work as one neighbor helping another neighbor successfully complete their ignition interlock program.
Let’s start with a basic explanation of an ignition interlock device.
The ignition interlock device interrupts the signal from the ignition to the starter until a valid breath sample is provided that meets minimal alcohol guidelines set by the state of North Carolina. After successfully passing the test, the vehicle can be started as normal. Upon vehicle start-up and each time it’s turned off during the day, the interlock participant must complete a standing test, which, in addition to a valid breath sample, includes a “learned” timing, coordination, and dexterity test. Random “running” retests are required as the participant is driving, but do not include the “learned” test sequence.
Please reserve two hours for your ignition interlock installation. Varying vehicle types may require more or less time. Of course, many other steps besides the actual installation must take place during the installation appointment. The technician will inspect your vehicle, identify probable interlock location and connector points, configure the device to conform to specific adjudication requirements, and train you in the use of the interlock. The technician will carefully explain the device and its functions as well as complete all necessary paperwork with you. You should take this opportunity to ask any and all questions you have about your ignition interlock device and the rules of the program.
This decision is made in your consultation upon arrival at the service center, although the final decision must rest with the technician to guarantee the utmost safety and security. Under normal circumstances, the ignition interlock will be installed under the dash or console.
The interlock interrupts the ignition signal to the starter motor before startup and, as such, cannot turn the vehicle off but only prevent the vehicle from starting—even if malfunctioning. If a random running retest is failed, the ignition interlock will sound an alarm and allow the driver time to find a safe place to pull over and turn the vehicle off. The device then requires the driver to perform a standing retest, and if passed, will allow the vehicle to resume operation. If the breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) fail is excessive, the driver will be required to bring the vehicle back to a Monitech service center within 72 hours.
The interlock program participant is responsible for any BrAC violation level of alcohol detected by the ignition interlock or missed test and should be especially cautious when allowing another person to use the interlock vehicle. Any person using the interlock vehicle should be carefully trained and observed by the interlock participant each time prior to vehicle use. As a convenience to the interlock participant, the interlock vehicle may be driven to a service appointment by another person who has been carefully trained. If violations are discovered during the monitoring appointment, the interlock participant is required to return to the service center within 72 hours. This requirement is necessary in order for the interlock participant to respond to the violation report prior to the delivery of the report to the adjudicating agency.
Ok, I’m ready to go. Now what?
Call Monitech at (800) 521-4246 as soon as possible to schedule your appointment. You will need to have the following information and documents handy when you call Monitech:
- Driver’s license number
- Full name as shown on the license
- Home address
- Home telephone number
- Work telephone number
- Date of birth
- Agency ordering the ignition interlock (DMV hearing officer, judge, or voluntary)
- Year, make, and model of vehicle
- Pen and paper to take notes concerning your appointment
Installation and training will take approximately two hours. You can expect to receive a user’s manual and an interlock demonstration so you can practice and learn the basics of using your device. A technician will be available to go through the manual with you and to assist in learning the testing technique. You can also download the User’s Manual from this website. You will be able to practice and ask questions for as long as is necessary for you to feel comfortable with the system.
Every two months, you’ll need to return to your Monitech Service Center for a monitoring appointment. At that time, a technician will download data from your interlock device, which has continuously recorded drive time of the vehicle, BrAC results for each test, any attempted circumvention, and any test failures. Certain violations of the test procedure will initiate early recall to the service center and possible revocation. Monitoring appointments usually last between 15 to 20 minutes. Please try to arrive on time, since many other clients will also have appointments on this day. If you will be more than 10 minutes late or need to reschedule your appointment, please contact Monitech at (800) 521-4246. At your monitoring visit, you’ll be expected to pay for the next two months’ lease fees as well as any outstanding balances for service calls, etc. Payment may be made by cash, personal check, Visa or MasterCard.
If service is needed, you can drive your vehicle to the nearest Monitech Service Center. If the vehicle cannot be driven, you may elect to have it towed (at your expense) to the service center instead of dispatching a service technician to your home or other vehicle location. Please note that when a technician is dispatched to a location outside of a service center, mileage charges and service fees may apply. A technician will download all information from the control module which will inform him of the reason for the difficulty. If the defect is covered by warranty, there will be no charge for this service. If the issue is not warranty related, then standard service fees will apply. At the time of service, payment will be collected. Payment may be made by cash, personal check, Visa or MasterCard.
Monitech has a toll-free Customer Support line (800) 521-4246 that is available during normal business hours to answer questions and to assist you with any difficulties you may have with the operation of your interlock system. If the vehicle will start, but you are still having difficulties with the interlock device, an appointment may be made for you to drive the vehicle to the nearest Monitech Service Center for service. In the rare case that there is a defect in the ignition interlock, there will be no charge for this service.
At Monitech, we’re committed first and foremost to public safety. That’s why we work closely with NC state agencies, law enforcement, and the courts to supply and maintain breath alcohol ignition interlock device (BAIID) systems that meet or exceed existing standards for accuracy and reliability. Monitech engineers are at work constantly to improve our products so they meet and often exceed the latest national and state standards and specifications. So, whether you’re a Monitech Ignition Interlock customer or an enforcement official, you can have confidence that every Monitech system is the best available.