There are heroes in movies and comics that wear capes. And heroes in real life that wear uniforms.
But there are also heroes that dress like you and me. They don’t have any special powers or even special training – what they do is pretty much what other people do. But because they do it when they do it, they save lives every day. They save lives by the thousand.
These are our designated drivers. Heroes who come with us to parties, to bars, to dinner, and who stick to ginger ale, water, and juice. They let us drink, and then they drive us home safely.
They deserve some recognition for their heroism, and for 30 years, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) has been giving it to them. 2006 is the 30th anniversary of the Tie One On for Safety campaign, the organization’s longest-running and most visible public awareness project. MADD asks that you display a MADD red ribbon on your vehicle to let the world know that you support designated drivers. You can find a ribbon, magnet or decal at a local MADD affiliate.
Tie one on for safety today. Click the button to share on Facebook. And don’t forget to thank your designated driver. We need more heroes in this world.